Impact of myopia on individuals and society

Impact on children’s education

Myopia usually develops at an early age in childhood. Myopia affects the children’s ability to learn in school and impacts their quality of life. A study involving parents, teachers, and students found poor vision or uncorrected visual deficits in children negatively impact their attention, perseverance, academic performance, and caused psychosocial stress, whereas receiving corrective spectacles improved the students’ academic performance and psychosocial wellbeing. There are also psycho-social barriers, such as fear of discrimination, bullying, and negative societal attitudes1,2.

“Myopia does not only affect educational outcomes; disadvantages arising from Myopia also extend to quality of life and personal and psychological well-being.”

Personal impact on Myopia

Myopia not only affect education outcomes; but also, quality of life, personal, psychological well-being and development. Studies have identified that children with Myopia are experiencing low self-esteem1,2.

The study reported that children are being teased or discriminated when they have social pressure against spectacle wear. Parents are also sensitive to social pressures and hesitate to obtain spectacles for their children due to the stigma associated with this1,2.

Patient-Reported Outcomes – Quality of Life (QOL) and Myopia.

Myopia impact a person’s QOL. Patients reported outcome measures for Myopia contain symptoms, activity limitation, emotional impact, social impact, and inconvenience (Fig 1)1,2


  1. Congdon N, Et Al. Community Eye Health. 2019;32(105):7-8.
  2. Sankaridurg P, Et Al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science April. 2021;62(2).